The Economic History of Poverty in Africa

The Economic History of Poverty in Africa

Chair of Economic and Social History, Bayreuth University (Bayreuth University)
Bayreuth University
Gefördert durch
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Vom - Bis
08.07.2021 -
Sebastian Knake, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte, Universität Bayreuth

Introductory digital Workshop of the DAAD Guest Professorship “African Economic History” at Bayreuth University.

The Economic History of Poverty in Africa

The economic history of Africa is a highly emerging field on the international level. After the publication of Acegmoglu/Johnson/Robinson’s “reversal of fortune”-paper in 2002, the field received increasing attention by scholars from various backgrounds, from economics as well as history. Besides an enormous enrichment of our empirical knowledge on African history, the recent two decades of research also renewed methodological debates among historians and development economists. These debates are typical for the current state of the economic history discipline in general and therefore stand topical for the Bayreuth Economic History Initiative with its Master-Programm “History and Economics”. Connecting to the expertise of the DFG-Cluster of Excellence “Africa Multiple” we dedicate a guest-professorship to the field, which is sponsored by the DAAD. In the next two years, we will have a guest-professor in the field teaching at the university of Bayreuth, with one workshop per term will be open to interested international scholars and students.

The first workshop will open the debate with a panel discussion about the achievements and shortcomings of the most recent academic research in African Economic History. We invited prominent international scholars as well as our guest-professors to this digital workshop.

The panel is followed by two talks on the “economic history of poverty” hold by our first guest professor, George Bob-Milliar (Kumasi/Ghana) and Mariama Marciana Kuusaana (Kumasi/Ghana).


12 pm
The rise of African Economic History and the Bayreuth initiative. An introduction.
Jan-Otmar Hesse (Bayreuth)

12.30 pm
Panel discussion: “New developments in African Economic History – a field on the rise?”
Interventions: Gareth Austin (Cambridge/UK), Joel Glasman (Bayreuth), as well as the DAAD Guest Professors: George Bob-Milliar (Kumasi/Ghana); Morten Jerven (NMBU/Norway); Grietjie Verhoef (Johannesburg/South Africa) and Ayodeji Olukoju (Lagos/Nigeria)

2 pm: Lunch-Break

3 pm
“A History of the Construction of the Poverty Trap in Northern Ghana”
Lecture by George Bob-Milliar (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi/Ghana; 1st Guest Professor at Bayreuth University)

4 pm
“Migration and the Production of Informal Economies in the Gold Coast”
Lecture by Mariama Marciana Kuusaana (Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi/Ghana)

6 pm
“Virtual Biergarten”


Chair of Economic and Social History
Universität Bayreuth
Dr. Sebastian Knake
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